Last night I attended a session on the Parables of Jesus. I did not interrupt at the beginning to ask just what is a parable. So while listening I came to answer my own question. Trooper teaching: "A biblical parable is like a written stage play which has powerful redeeming value. This parable or play is written about each and everyone of us. And unlike most plays where we the actor or actress play only one or maybe two parts, we, each one of us play all the parts". Tk
PS. To hear Be Not Afraid you must return to home page and click on the image above and beyond.Tk
OMG.....Your knowledge of the English language is well.....comparable to well.....lets just say it's bad. Okay you say I attended a "secession" which would leave one thinking you attended..... Secession derived from the Latin term secessio is the act of withdrawing from an organization, union, or especially a political entity. Threats of secession also can be a strategy for achieving more limited goals. ...Hard to know what you are saying. Definition of "Parable"....
(New Testament) any of the stories told by Jesus to convey his religious message; "the parable of the prodigal son". Before teaching please become educated about what you are teaching. Please read Kings 21, to understand what you have accomplished in your life.
Reginald funny I am at coffee and a Christian fiend caught my misspelling of session. I am not sure you did. Might need more help on Kings 21. But as I learn I will profess for, I don't know about you but my time on earth is limited. For by the grace I go now.
Okay, again did you mean christian fiend or christian friend? Now about Kings 21 in the bible. It is the teachings of god about what not to do in life, however you did the dirty deed several years ago and it hurt many people. You did not care, all you cared about was yourself and no one else. Your right, our time on earth is limited, How about trying to correct your wrongs into rights? It is not that hard to do and I am sure you will feel better about yourself. Funny how people act like they found god after they screwed and hurt others. The beauty of that however is that the only judgment day that matters is when we stand before our father as he will know what was truly in our heart. What is really in your heart? You told me do unto others as you wish they would do to you. Is that really what you want? I mean considering what you have done to others....what goes around comes around and I cant wait. There is one word that comes to mind about you...hypocrite. Now go and play little boy.
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